Saturday, February 20, 2010

Winterlude 2010
Every year my wife Patty-Lou joins the public challenge ice sculpting competition. This year she joined with her sister Val. They had only 3 hours to complete the carving and had only two chisels to work with (one person carving at a time). They were pleased to be invited to join the Canadian Ice Sculpture Society, and they also won first prize. It was a great trip for me to get outside to witness the competition.

Beautiful Sunset in February
It has been about two months now since I broke my ankle and I am finally able to get around a bit. After being stuck indoors it is really nice to take a few photos. I definately missed being outside. The two images below have been taken from the parkway (not too far to walk from the car). I felt so alive when I was taking these images below, it makes me eagre to get out more since I now have a walking cast.